
Dwarves are stout, hardy beings. They live in clans and tend the be fiercly loyal.
There are two main ethnic groups of Dwarves in Sylinia: Hill Dwarves and Mountain Dwarves. The latter are much more common.

Basic Information


Dwarves are stout and densely muscled. They are hardy beings that are often broad shouldered.

Growth Rate & Stages

Dwarves mature at similar rates to humans, though they are considered young until they reach their 50s.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Family Names

Dwarf family names tend to reflect the trade that they specialize in or traits they value. Common names include Hammerfist, Fireforge, Orcbane, Silversharp, Frostbeard, and Steelfist.
Some Clans use the name of their town or city as a name for foundlings or unclaimed children. Examples include Bofdan, Brazzik, and Gorrunn.  

Individual Names

Dwarvish names are sources of pride. Names have been passed down and reused over and over throughout the generations. Each clan maintains their own list of historical names.
Male - Darrak, Nalral, Orisk, Dain, Ulfgar, Gimmurt, Erias
Female - Urshar, Kathra, Eldeth, Delre, Artin, Hjilna, Riswynn  


Occassionally, a non-dwarf will prove themselves to be as loyal as a dwarf. In these rare instances, they may be offered the name of kin.
Richard Timms was a human of the fiercest kind. When the fire giants attacked us, Timms rallied the other humans in the area and led them in a charge from behind. Now, I don't mind dyin', but I still like livin'. If he hand't have done that, there's no way me and mine would still be livin'. Henceforth, he be known as Richard Bofdankin.
— Kilvar Bofdan, after the Seige of Bof

Average Technological Level

The Dwarvish civilizations specialize in all sorts of mining and smithing related skills.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Most Dwarves grow up speaking Dwarvish at home. Dwarvish is a harsh, gutteral language, which tends to accent their Common.
It is standard for Dwarvish children to learn to read and write Dwarvish as well as Common.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Dwarves typically live in large clans.
Most dwarves greet eachother as "kin," even if they are not blood related. This reinforces the idea of an overarching Dwarven Family.
by Tara O'Neill via neural.love
350 years
Average Height
4 feet
Average Weight
150-180 lbs
Related Technologies


Ability Score Increase Your constitution score increases by 2.
Languages You can speak, read, and write Common and Dwarvish.
Size Medium
Speed Base movement speek is 25 feet. There are no negative effects on movement speed for wearing heavy armor.
Darkvision Grayscale to to 60 feet
Resilient You have advantage on saving throws against poison and are resistant to poison damage.
Combat Training Proficiency with battleaxe, handaxe, light hammer, and warhammer.
Tools You gain proficiency with one of the following artisan's tools: Smith's tools, brewer's supplies, or mason's tools.
Stonecunning Whenever you make a History check realted to the origin of stonework, you are considered proficient and add double your proficiency bonus to the check.


Hill Dwarf

Ability Score Increase Your Wisdom score increases by 1.
Dwarven Toughness Your hit point maximum increases by 1, and it increases by 1 every time you gain a level.

Mountain Dwarf

Ability Score Increase Your strength score increases by 2.
Armor You have proficiency with light and medium armor. The Lilifilos are a community of Mountain Dwarves.

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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