
Lanavite is a dark grey metallic rock. It is found deep within the mines of Arshwe. The metal is non-porous and magic resistant, so it is used in a variety of applications.  


Lanavite is too expensive and too heavy to be used as the primary metal in armor or weapons. It can be used as an inlay or plating on top of traditional armor, imbuing the material with a resistance to magic.
In Serross, Lanavite is used to line the clay pipes that convey drinking water. It is believed that the lanavite lining was originally put into place to keep the magic of the Chavi from leeching into the soil. It is worth noting, however, that the waste system did not have a lanavite lining, so there was seepage into the ecosystem anyway.
Access & Availability
Lanavite is a rare resource. The only known sources are in the Shadow Mountains of Arshwe.
Originally, the material was only mined and sourced by the Blackshield Clan. Over the last few centuries, enough of the material has gotten out into the world that there are a few specialized smiths that have the skill to rework the material into something new.
Lanavite as a material has been known to the Mountain Dwarves of the Shadow Mountains for millenia, but it was a challenging material to work with and it was often set aside as a useless byproduct of the mining process.
That attitude changed quickly after Rogsven Blackshield , a Dwarf of the Blackshield Clan, discovered a refinement process in 217 SP. His research uncovered the anti-magical properties of the material, and he experimented extesnively with incorporating lanavite into other metallic creations to take advantage of it.
Related Species

Cover image: by Tara O'Neill


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