Human History

  • 739-748 New Dawn
    Muron Uprising

    The Muron Uprising was a populist revolution in Shinnock City in Arshwe. Fighting lasted through much of the 740s, finally ending with the complete elimination of all members of the Mage Guild who had previously controlled the city. By the begining of 749, the Shinnock Council had been established.

    Shinnock City
  • 18th of Meilyr, 27 AE
    Seige of Bof
    Military: Battle

    The Dwarven town of Bof, on the edge of the Shadow Mountains, was besieged by fire giants. The residents of the town took heavy losses before some of the humans from a nearby settlement rallied and attacked the giants from behind.

  • 97 DA
    Drawing of the Veil Across Qalosh
    Technological achievement

    The Silver Dragon Mezhalgior pulled an arcane curtain across the Todsedamen Mountains, shielding the non-human relics and residents from outside eyes.

    Additional timelines
  • 101 New Dawn
    The Founding of the Atalan Nation

    The intergalaxy class spaceship The Atalan experienced a catastrophic systems failure as they entered a previously unexplored solar system. They were able to manuever their now defunct ship into orbit above Sylinia in about 101 ND. The ship crashed on what is now Da'kel Island. The surviving crew used the technology they were able to salvage from the wreckage to found a new civilization, the Atalan Nation.

    Additional timelines
  • 917 ND
    Founding of the Skatzingrad Empire

    The founding of the Skatzingrad Empire, following many years of war in the region.

    Imperial Capital