Amaunator, Lord of Time Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Amaunator, Lord of Time

Divine Domains

Light, Order, Time


  • The Sun Disk: A golden disk inscribed with symbols of time and order, said to grant the bearer control over the passage of time.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Codex of Time: A sacred text containing Amaunator's teachings, laws, and guides for maintaining order and respecting the flow of time.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A golden sun surrounded by a radiant halo.

Tenets of Faith

  • Uphold Order: Maintain law and order in all aspects of life, ensuring stability and justice.
  • Respect Time: Honor the passage of time and understand its significance in the grand scheme of the universe.
  • Illuminate Truth: Bring light to darkness, revealing truths and dispelling ignorance.
  • Embrace Duty: Fulfill one's duties and responsibilities with unwavering dedication.


  • Solstice of Time: An annual celebration held on the summer solstice, where followers honor Amaunator with ceremonies, feasts, and reflections on the passage of time and the importance of order.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To promote law, order, and justice in the world.
  • To ensure the proper flow and respect of time across the realms.
Divine Classification


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