Order of the Sun Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Order of the Sun

Mythology & Lore

Amaunator, also known as the Keeper of the Eternal Sun, is the god of time, law, and the sun. He is revered for his role in maintaining the cosmic order and the passage of time. Amaunator is often depicted as a stern, young man with angelic wings and golden hair.

Divine Origins

Amaunator's worship dates back to the end of the Heavenly Conquest, where he was known in Faerun as a lesser god of the sun and time. His contribution to the conquest of Sylvestris by halting the mountainous chunk of earth launched at the gods by Grumbar, the Earth Primordial established his current position as a greater deity. This chunk of earth was perpetually frozen in time, and now houses the royalty and elite of Zamore.

Tenets of Faith

  • Maintain Order: Uphold the laws and structures that keep society functional.
  • Respect Time: Honor the passage of time and the natural order of life.
  • Be Punctual: Value punctuality and reliability in all endeavors.
  • Promote Justice: Ensure fairness and justice in all actions.
  • Honor Amaunator: Offer daily prayers at sunrise and sunset, recognizing the cyclical nature of time.


Followers of Amaunator value order, punctuality, and justice. They strive to live orderly lives, respecting laws and promoting fairness. Acts of diligence, maintaining schedules, and supporting societal structures are highly regarded.


Worship of Amaunator involves daily prayers at sunrise and sunset, as well as rituals to mark the passage of time. Important ceremonies include the High Sun Celebration at midsummer and the Turning of the Seasons, marking the solstices and equinoxes. Temples of Amaunator are centers of learning and law, often serving as courts and libraries.


The clergy of Amaunator, known as Sunlords or Timekeepers, wear bright yellow and gold robes. High-ranking priests often carry sun-shaped staffs and wear amulets depicting sundials. They are responsible for maintaining timekeeping devices, overseeing legal matters, and conducting rituals to honor Amaunator.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Amaunator are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Sunburst: Emit a burst of radiant energy to combat foes.
  • Time Stop: Temporarily halt time to gain strategic advantage.
  • Divine Judgment: Deliver a powerful strike of radiant energy to punish the wicked.
  • Chrono Shift: Manipulate the flow of time to heal or harm.
  • Solar Shield: Create a protective barrier of sunlight.

Political Influence & Intrigue

While Amaunator is not affiliated with any one nation, lawmakers are often found to worship him as it is believed his wisdom regarding the passage of time will provide guidance towards making laws that will create lasting peace and order.


Within Amaunator’s faith, two orders exist:
  • Order of the Radiant Sun: A knightly order dedicated to spreading Amaunator’s light and enforcing his laws.
  • Keepers of the Eternal Sun: Priests and scholars who focus on the study of time and celestial phenomena, ensuring the accuracy of calendars and timekeeping.


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