Bahamut, Dragon God of Order Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Bahamut, Dragon God of Order

Divine Domains

Life, War, Justice


  • The Platinum Scales: An artifact that represents Bahamut’s judgment, capable of discerning truth from lies and delivering divine justice.
  • The Sword of Justice: A legendary weapon that embodies Bahamut’s power, granting its wielder immense strength and the ability to smite evil.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Platinum Codex: A sacred text detailing Bahamut’s teachings, laws, and the virtues of justice, honor, and protection.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A platinum dragon's head in profile, often depicted with a halo of light.

Tenets of Faith

  • Justice Above All: Uphold justice and honor above all else, ensuring that fairness and righteousness prevail in all actions.
  • Protector of the Weak: Protect the weak and innocent from harm, standing as a shield against oppression and cruelty.
  • Foe of Evil: Fight against evil in all its forms, whether it be through direct confrontation or subtle resistance.
  • Path of Mercy: Show mercy to those who seek redemption, offering them a chance to atone and change their ways.


  • The Platinum Festival: An annual celebration and feasting day, honoring Bahamut’s virtues and teachings. Held on the first day of the year, it involves ceremonies, community feasts, and acts of charity.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To promote justice, protection, and honor throughout the realms.
  • To oppose and defeat evil, especially the forces of Tiamat.
Divine Classification


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