The Platinum Order Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Platinum Order

Mythology & Lore

Bahamut, known as the Platinum Dragon, epitomizes justice, protection, and honor. Revered by paladins and clerics, Bahamut is the eternal rival of Tiamat, the Chromatic Dragon. His teachings emphasize the protection of the weak, justice, and the pursuit of righteousness.

Divine Origins

The worship of Bahamut began among good dragons and their allies. Temples dedicated to Bahamut are rare and usually elegant, characterized by clean architecture and minimal furnishings. More commonly, his followers build simple shrines in their lairs or homes.

Tenets of Faith

  • Uphold Justice: Ensure that justice is served and protect the innocent.
  • Show Compassion: Be merciful and compassionate to those in need.
  • Defend the Weak: Stand against tyranny and protect those who cannot protect themselves.
  • Seek Wisdom: Pursue knowledge and wisdom to better understand the world and Bahamut’s will.
  • Honor Bahamut: Daily prayers and rituals to seek Bahamut’s guidance and blessings.


Followers of Bahamut are guided by a strong moral code that emphasizes integrity, honor, and the protection of the weak. Acts of heroism, charity, and fairness are highly valued, while corruption, cruelty, and injustice are condemned. Dragonborn make up the majority of Bahamut's following but certainly not all of it. This is in stark opposition to his counterpart, Tiamat, who very rarely accepts non-dragonborn into her faith.


Worship of Bahamut involves regular ceremonies and daily prayers. Followers often gather in temples to perform rituals and seek guidance through meditation. The main holy day celebrated by Bahamut's faithful is the Platinum Festival, occurring the night after the spring equinox.


Bahamut’s priesthood consists of clerics and paladins dedicated to his cause. They are known for their strict adherence to justice and their unwavering commitment to protecting the innocent. Priests often wear heavy metallic armor custom-crafted to resemble a dragon, especially the helm, which is shaped like a dragon’s head. Temples dedicated to Bahamut are often left unguarded by the cities they reside in as the dragonborn who maintain them are perceived as a force best not reckoned with.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Bahamut are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Holy Smite: Call upon Bahamut’s power to smite evil.
  • Protective Aura: Create an aura of protection around themselves and allies.
  • Healing Light: Heal wounds and cure diseases with divine light.
  • Dragon’s Breath: Emit a breath of radiant energy to combat foes.
  • Divine Vision: Gain the ability to see through illusions and deceit.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Many guardians, judges, and protectors in various communities worship Bahamut. No single nation is particularly associated with Bahamut. Instead, the Paladin Order has a small community inside most major cities that is often relied on to conduct trials and doll out justice based on the laws of the area, assuming those laws align with Bahamut's teachings.


Within Bahamut’s faith, several orders exist:
  • The Talons of Justice: A group of dragon paladins who follow the Ptarian Code, a draconic code of honor emphasizing justice, honor, and protection.
  • The Platinum Cadre: Dragonborn knights from Tymanther who believe in the inherent goodness of dragons and actively work to change societal prejudices against them. They are known as some of the best warriors of Tymanther.


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