Chauntea, The Earthmother Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Chauntea, The Earthmother

Divine Domains

Life, Nature

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blooming rose over grain stalks.

Tenets of Faith

  • Nurture Life: Foster and nurture all forms of life, ensuring that nature and communities flourish.
  • Respect the Earth: Treat the earth with respect, never taking more than what is needed and always giving back.
  • Embrace Growth: Encourage personal, communal, and spiritual growth, understanding that change and renewal are natural parts of life.
  • Protect Nature: Defend the natural world from those who would harm or exploit it.


  • Harvest Home: An annual festival held at the end of the harvest season, celebrating the bounty of the earth with feasting, dancing, and giving thanks to Chauntea for her blessings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • Nurture Life: Foster and nurture all forms of life, ensuring that nature and communities flourish.
  • Respect the Earth: Treat the earth with respect, never taking more than what is needed and always giving back.
  • Embrace Growth: Encourage personal, communal, and spiritual growth, understanding that change and renewal are natural parts of life.
  • Protect Nature: Defend the natural world from those who would harm or exploit it.
Divine Classification


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