The Circle of the Green Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Circle of the Green

Mythology & Lore

Chauntea, also known as the Great Mother or the Grain Goddess, is revered as the goddess of agriculture, plants, farmers, gardeners, and summer. She embodies all things agrarian and is often depicted as a matronly figure with pale white hair and a welcoming smile. Her divine essence is believed to give life to the natural world, emphasizing fertility, growth, and nurturing.

Divine Origins

The worship of Chauntea dates back to the earliest days of human civilization. Her temples were initially simple altars in fields and groves, where farmers and rural communities offered prayers for bountiful harvests. Over time, her worshippers spread, however the simplicity of her worship remains.

Tenets of Faith

  • Nurture and Protect: Care for the earth and its bounty, ensuring the fertility of the land.
  • Respect Life: Promote the growth and well-being of all living things.
  • Share the Bounty: Freely share food and resources with those in need.
  • Sustain the Cycle: Replant and compost to sustain the natural cycle of growth and decay.
  • Honor Chauntea: Offer daily prayers and plant seeds regularly as a sign of devotion.


Followers of Chauntea value nurturing, protection, and the promotion of life. They oppose unnecessary destruction and work to sustain the natural cycle. Acts of charity, especially related to food and agriculture, are highly valued.


Worship of Chauntea involves daily prayers at sunset and regular rituals to honor the earth. Important festivals, such as Greengrass, celebrate the bounty of the land with feasts and communal activities. Worshipers are encouraged to plant at least one seed or small plant-cutting a tenday and tend to it faithfully.


The priesthood of Chauntea is divided into two main groups: the Pastorals, who serve in urban and rural areas, and the True Shapers, druids who work in wild regions. Priests are tasked with promoting agricultural knowledge, combating plant diseases, and ensuring the fertility of the land. They often wear simple brown robes, with higher ranks denoted by gold-threaded belts or other precious decorations. Not much is known of the True Shapers but it is thought that they are much less formally organized compared to the Pastorals. The term True Shaper typically refers to druids who have a particular connection to Chauntee. They are saught during times of famine and failed harvests for advice but are otherwise left to their solitude.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Chauntea are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Bless Crops: Enhance the growth and yield of plants.
  • Purify Water: Cleanse water sources of impurities.
  • Healing Touch: Heal wounds and cure diseases.
  • Growth Surge: Accelerate the growth of plants and crops.
  • Natural Harmony: Communicate with plants and animals.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Many farmers, gardeners, and those living in rural communities worship Chauntea. Her followers often hold significant influence in agricultural areas and are respected for their wisdom and willingness to assist with community needs.


Within Chauntea’s faith, several orders exist:
  • The Pastorals: Clerics who serve in towns and cities, promoting agricultural practices and aiding farmers.
  • The True Shapers: Druids who work in wilderness areas, protecting wild lands and promoting natural growth.
  • The Harvestmasters: Leaders who oversee major agricultural projects and manage community granaries.
  • The Greenwardens: Guardians of sacred groves and natural sanctuaries.


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