Erackinor Geographic Location in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The realm was an immense network of tunnels and halls carved with an impossibly high level of stonework skill. The tunnels extended under most of Solania, with Multiple towns located within rifts and chambers. The heat and sound of forges filled the subterranean air. It was a place of great joy for all dwarves and gnomes.   The gate into the realm was guarded by the warden archon Zagzagel, who also worked as a teacher. The realm's inhaitants frequently discarded the tailings and slag from their mining operations out the entrance. The wasted materials flowed down the slopes, serving as indication to visitors of the realm's location.   The ability to magically create new things was considerably amplified in Erackinor. Spells such as heroes' feast lasted twice as long while spells that produced new materials resulted in twice the normal amount. Enchantment magic did not enjoy these benefits, however, since it was not considered an act of creation.  

Notable Locations

  • The Soul Forge, Moradin's forge and the birthplace of dwarves. The forge itself was a 40-foot-tall (12-meter) block of solid mithral next to a wall of ice and a pool of soulfire, with walls lined with immense tools, in constant use by Moradin and attended at all times by dwarf petitioners carrying out maintenance tasks. It also contained portals to every divine realm of the Morndinsamman.
  • Berronar's Side, a fortified city partially located on the surface whose purpose was to defend its portals.
  • Istor's Forge, a circular city built around a core of white-hot lava, known for its forges and foundries.
  • The Rift, the most welcoming city to outsiders in the realm, built around a narrow crevasse. It was famous for its shops that sold exquisite dwarven work, as well as items that were favored by archons.
  • Stonefall, a surface city located at the bottom of a dark valley, famous for its stonework and lined with sculptures that narrated tales of dwarven myth and history.
Plane of Existence
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