Moradin, Forgelord Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Moradin, Forgelord

Divine Domains

Forge, Knowledge


  • The Anvil of Creation: An artifact that enhances the abilities of craftsmen, allowing them to create works of unparalleled quality and durability.
  • The Hammer of Moradin: A powerful weapon and tool that can shape the earth and metal, symbolizing Moradin’s power and creativity.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Tome of the Forge: A sacred text detailing Moradin’s teachings, the art of craftsmanship, and the principles of community and resilience.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A hammer striking a flaming anvil

Tenets of Faith

  • Honor the Forge: Respect and excel in the art of craftsmanship, creating works of beauty and utility.
  • Strength in Unity: Value community and kinship, working together for the greater good.
  • Perseverance: Show resilience in the face of adversity, striving to overcome challenges with strength and determination.
  • Seek Knowledge: Pursue knowledge and skills to improve oneself and contribute to the community.
  • Honor Moradin: Revere Moradin through acts of creation, protection, and community service.


  • The Festival of the Forge: An annual celebration where followers of Moradin showcase their finest works, participate in communal forging activities, and honor their god with rituals and feasts.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

Moradin wishes for his dwarven and gnomish children to prosper, expand, and follow in his footsteps. He speaks through the Hammers of Moradin actively as he does his best to guide the overarching actions of his people. He was strategical alliances with Helm and Kossuth.
Divine Classification
Ruled Locations


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