Hammers of Moradin Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Hammers of Moradin

Mythology & Lore

The Hammers of Moradin base their teachings on the ancient myths of Sylvestris, where Moradin, the All-Father, forged the Dwarves and Gnomes from the very bones of the earth. According to their lore, Moradin shaped the Dwarves with his hammer, giving them strength and resilience, and crafted the Gnomes with his intricate chisel, bestowing upon them creativity and cunning. Both races are considered sister races, bound by their common divine origin. These stories emphasize the importance of craftsmanship, community, and resilience, reflecting the virtues Moradin imbued in his creations.

Divine Origins

The origins of the Hammers of Moradin trace back to the early days of Gundir, the First Dwarven Kingdom, where the first temples were built at the base of Gundir Mountain. These temples were initially simple forges where the first warrior priests, inspired by divine visions, began to preach Moradin’s teachings. Over time, these forges evolved into grand halls of worship and training. The teachings and rituals further developed in Nidvar, the Second Dwarven Kingdom, as the Dwarves delved deeper into the earth, seeking a closer connection to Moradin’s essence.

Tenets of Faith

  • Honor the Forge: Craftsmanship is a sacred act. Every creation must reflect the skill and dedication of the maker.
  • Strength in Unity: Community and kinship are paramount. Protect your kin and uphold the honor of your clan.
  • Perseverance: Endure hardships with resilience and courage. Strengthen your spirit through trials.
  • Seek Knowledge: Wisdom and knowledge are as vital as strength. Learn from the past to forge a better future.
  • Honor Moradin: Daily prayers and offerings must be made to honor Moradin’s guidance and blessings.


The extended rules and interpretations of the faith guide everyday life, emphasizing hard work, integrity, and the protection of the weak. Acts of craftsmanship, community service, and bravery are considered pious. Conversely, laziness, betrayal of kin, and cowardice are seen as sins. The faithful are encouraged to seek balance between their duties to their craft, their community, and their faith.


Worship in the Hammers of Moradin involves daily rituals at personal forges or communal temples. These include:  
  • Morning Prayers: Dwarves and Gnomes begin their day with prayers to Moradin, seeking his guidance and blessing for their work.
  • Crafting Rites: Regular crafting sessions where faithful create items in Moradin’s honor.
  • Forge Festivals: Seasonal festivals featuring grand ceremonies, feasts, and competitions in craftsmanship and strength.
  • Ancestor Veneration: Regular ceremonies to honor and remember the ancestors who followed Moradin’s teachings.


The priesthood of the Hammers of Moradin is composed of warrior priests who are both skilled in battle and knowledgeable in the sacred rites of Moradin. They are chosen through rigorous trials that test their physical, mental, and spiritual fortitude. Once appointed, they are distinguished by their intricate armor, forged by their own hands, and the holy symbols of Moradin etched into their gear. High Priests, known as Forge Masters, lead the faithful and oversee major ceremonies and rituals.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Moradin are granted divine powers to aid their community and combat evil. These include:  
  • Forge Blessing: Enhance the quality and durability of crafted items.
  • Stone's Resilience: Increased physical resistance and the ability to withstand extreme conditions.
  • Divine Hammer: Summon a spectral hammer that strikes down enemies with divine force.
  • Healing Flames: Use the holy fire of Moradin to heal wounds and cure ailments.
  • Earth Sense: Detect hidden passages and treasures within the earth.

Political Influence & Intrigue

The Hammers of Moradin play a significant role in the political landscape of Gundir and Nidvar. Their influence ensures that these kingdoms remain neutral yet formidable powers. They also act as mediators in conflicts, leveraging their ability to influence trade exports from the Dwarven nations. In Zamore, they maintain a respectful relationship with the magical community, often trading knowledge and resources.


Within the Hammers of Moradin, several sects exist, each with its unique focus:  
  • The Anvil Guard: Warriors who specialize in defending the Dwarven and Gnome communities, emphasizing martial prowess and battlefield tactics.
  • The Stone Scribes: Priests who focus on preserving and interpreting ancient texts and histories, often found in Zamore.
  • The Flame Keepers: A more mystic sect that delves into the spiritual and elemental aspects of Moradin’s teachings.
  • The Deep Miners: Focused on exploration and discovering hidden treasures and knowledge within the earth, often operating in Nidvar.
  These sects are respected by the mainstream faith but may occasionally differ in interpretations of Moradin’s will and the emphasis of certain practices.


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