Kelemvor, God of the Dead Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Kelemvor, God of the Dead

Divine Domains

Death, Grave


  • The Cloak of Shadows: An artifact that allows its wearer to move unseen among the dead and protects them from undead creatures.
  • The Scales of Judgment: A powerful relic used by Kelemvor to weigh the souls of the deceased, determining their fate in the afterlife.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Tome of the Dread: A sacred text that outlines Kelemvor's views on death, the afterlife, and the responibilities of his followers.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

An upright skeletal arm holding balanced scales.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect the Dead: Treat the dead with dignity and respect, ensuring they receive proper rites and burials.
  • Balance and Justice: Maintain the balance between life and death, ensuring that the dead are judged fairly and justly.
  • Protect the Living: Shield the living from the undead and those who would pervert the natural order of life and death.
  • Guide the Souls: Assist souls in finding their rightful place in the afterlife, offering comfort and guidance to the grieving.


  • The Day of Dread: An annual observance where followers honor the deceased, perform rites of remembrance, and reaffirm their dedication to Kelemvor's principles.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To uphold the natural order of life and death.
  • To ensure that all souls are judged fairly and find their proper place in the afterlife.
Divine Classification


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