The Eternal Order Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Eternal Order

Mythology & Lore

Kelemvor, also known as the Lord of the Dead and Judge of the Damned, oversees the passage of souls to the afterlife. He embodies the impartiality and inevitability of death, ensuring that the deceased are treated with respect and that their souls find their rightful place in the afterlife.

Divine Origins

Kelemvor's worship began when he ascended to godhood, replacing Myrkul as the god of the dead. His temples, often converted from older shrines to Myrkul, are somber places where followers can reflect on the nature of life and death.

Tenets of Faith

  • Respect the Dead: Ensure that the deceased are treated with dignity.
  • Aid the Dying: Help those at the end of their life transition peacefully.
  • Combat Undeath: Actively seek to destroy undead creatures.
  • Uphold Order: Maintain the natural order and cycles of life and death.
  • Serve with Integrity: Carry out duties with solemnity and fairness.


Kelemvor's followers value the orderly passage of souls and the dignity of the deceased. They oppose undeath and work to comfort the dying. Acts of compassion towards the dying and reverence for ancestors are highly regarded.


Worship of Kelemvor involves daily prayers at sundown and rituals to bless souls transitioning to the afterlife. Major ceremonies include the Passing, the Lament for the Fallen, the Remembrance, and the Daeum, each honoring the dead and comforting the living.


Clerics of Kelemvor typically wear smoky gray robes and cowled cloaks. Higher-ranking priests can be identified by their silver headbands and the symbols of Kelemvor on their robes. The Doomguides, elite clerics, often multiclass as necromancers or rangers to better combat the undead.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Kelemvor are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Turn Undead: Repel or destroy undead creatures.
  • Speak with Dead: Communicate with the spirits of the deceased.
  • Calm Emotions: Provide peace to the dying and their loved ones.
  • Sanctify Ground: Protect burial sites from desecration.
  • Death Ward: Shield allies from death and necrotic damage.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Many morticians, grave diggers, and hunters of the undead worship Kelemvor. His followers often hold significant influence in matters related to death and burial practices and are respected for their role in maintaining the dignity of the deceased.


Within Kelemvor’s faith, several orders exist:
  • The Most Solemn Order of the Silent Shroud: Composed of gravediggers, embalmers, and cemetery workers who keep the church informed of undead sightings and grave desecrations.
  • The Knights of Eternal Order: A recently established order dedicated to hunting and destroying powerful undead, often sacrificing other paladin abilities to gain undead-fighting powers.


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