Myrkul, Lord of Bones Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Myrkul, Lord of Bones

Divine Domains

Death, Decay

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A skeletal hand, often depicted as a black and boney claw.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Mortality: Accept death as the ultimate end for all living beings, respecting its power and inevitability.
  • Spread Decay: Promote the natural process of decay and the return of all things to dust.
  • Command the Dead: Use necromantic powers to command and control the undead, ensuring they serve Myrkul's will.
  • Respect the Cycle: Honor the cycle of life and death, understanding the balance and transition between the two.


  • The Feast of the Moon: An annual celebration on the night of the full moon, where followers honor the dead with rituals, chants, and offerings, culminating in the midnight ritual known as the Flagons of the Fallen.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To spread aherence to the proper cycle of death and decay across the realms.
  • To command and control the undead, ensuring they serve Myrkul's purposes.
Divine Classification


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