The Bone Scythe Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Bone Scythe

Mythology & Lore

Myrkul, also known as the Lord of Bones, is the god of the dead, decay, and the end of life. He is feared for his cold, malignant intelligence and his dominion over death. Myrkul is often depicted as a skeletal figure draped in dark robes, embodying the inevitability of death.

Divine Origins

Myrkul's worship began during his mortal days as Myrkul Bey al-Kursi, a necromancer who, alongside Bane and Bhaal, attained godhood by confronting Jergal, the god of death. Temples to Myrkul are rare and primarily serve as vast ossuaries and catacombs, with limited space for the living. After attaining godhood, Myrkul’s ideology caused a rift between him and his companions. Where Bane and Bhaal became recognized as evil gods, Myrkul took his role as Lord of Bones seriously, acting in a neutral fashion whenever possible.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Death: Accept the inevitability of death and decay.
  • Spread Fear: Ensure that all fear and respect the Lord of Bones.
  • Perform Duties: Serve as doombringers, delivering souls to Myrkul.
  • Honor the Dead: Maintain proper rituals and respect for the deceased.
  • Honor Myrkul: Offer prayers and sacrifices to show loyalty.


Followers of Myrkul value the inevitability of death and the maintenance of proper death rites. They believe in spreading fear and ensuring that all respect the power of death. Acts of necromancy, preservation of the dead, and rituals of fear are highly valued.


Worship of Myrkul involves daily prayers at dusk and rituals involving bones and ashes. Major ceremonies include the Feast of the Moon, where the dead are believed to rise and interact with the living. Temples often perform funeral rites and ceremonies to raise undead for hire.


Myrkul’s clergy, known as Myrkulites, include novices referred to as Daring Ones and full priests called Night Bringers. Specialty priests are known as Gray Ones. They wear dark, foreboding robes and perform rituals involving bones and ashes to honor the dead and Myrkul.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Myrkul are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Raise Dead: Animate corpses to serve as undead minions.
  • Fear Touch: Instill paralyzing fear in living beings.
  • Necrotic Energy: Channel dark energy to harm the living.
  • Bone Shield: Create a protective barrier of bones.
  • Death's Grasp: Drain life force from enemies.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Myrkul’s followers often hold positions in regions where death rites and fear are significant. They are feared and respected for their control over death and their ability to raise undead. Their influence is particularly strong in areas with significant necromantic activity. It is mostly thought that those who use necromancy to pursue their own goals have strayed from Myrkul’s teachings. This has helped to maintain society's neutral view of Myrkul over the centuries.


Within Myrkul’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Knights of the Undying Dragon: Undead crusaders serving as Myrkul’s enforcers.
  • Bone Fist Monks: Monks who harden their fists to bone, serving as warriors for Myrkul.
  • Doomwardens: Priests who oversee the preservation and honoring of the dead.


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