Mystra, Mother of Magic Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Mystra, Mother of Magic

Divine Domains

Arcana, Knowledge, Magic


  • Mythals: Powerful protective wards and enchantments that encompass entire cities or large areas.
  • The Silver Fire: A gift from Mystra to her Chosen, allowing them to channel incredible magical energy.
  • The Moonstars: Mystical stones that enhance spellcasting and provide significant magical benefits to their bearers.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Tome of the Weave: A sacred text containing Mystra's teachings, spells, and guides for understanding and harnessing magic.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blue eight-pointed star.

Tenets of Faith

  • Pursue Potential: Seek to unlock the full potential of magic within yourself and others.
  • Seek Knowledge: Continuously strive to learn and understand new forms of magic.
  • Embrace Risk: Do not shy away from the dangerous and irresponsible use of magic.
  • Guide the Gifted: Find and mentor those with great magical potential.
  • Honor Mystra: Offer daily prayers and participate in rituals to strengthen the Weave.


  • Midsummer's Eve: An annual celebration where followers honor Mystra with rituals, spellcasting displays, and the sharing of magical knowledge, held on the summer solstice.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To promote the infinite development and understanding of magic.
  • To protect and maintain the integrity of the Weave.
Divine Classification


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