The Weavekeepers Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Weavekeepers

Mythology & Lore

Mystra, known as the Mother of All Magic, is the goddess of magic, spells, and the Weave. She embodies the untapped potential of magical energy and encourages the relentless pursuit of magical knowledge, even if it means using magic irresponsibly. Mystra is depicted in various forms, often as a radiant woman surrounded by an aura of power.

Divine Origins

Mystra's worship has deep roots in Zamore's history. The establishment of the Kronus Academy, founded by Zamore's first Wizard Queen, has heavily boosted Mystra's following as prodigies and hopefuls from around the world gather to study magic in hopes of becoming stronger and/or more learned. Temples dedicated to Mystra are often elaborate, filled with heavily guarded, magical artifacts, and designed to enhance spellcasting through the Weave.

Tenets of Faith

  • Pursue Potential: Seek to unlock the full potential of magic within yourself and others.
  • Seek Knowledge: Continuously strive to learn and understand new forms of magic.
  • Embrace Risk: Do not shy away from the dangerous and irresponsible use of magic.
  • Guide the Gifted: Find and mentor those with great magical potential.
  • Honor Mystra: Relentlessy develop magical skill to prove yourself to Mystra.


Followers of Mystra value the pursuit of knowledge and the unlocking of magical potential, often pushing the boundaries of responsible magic use. They believe that the pursuit of knowledge sometimes necessitates risk. Acts of wisdom, teaching, and the creation of new magical knowledge are highly regarded, but they also accept the inherent dangers in these pursuits.


Worship of Mystra involves daily prayers and personal rituals to honor the Weave. Important ceremonies include the Starflight and Magefire rituals, which celebrate Mystra’s power and the renewal of magical energy. Temples of Mystra often hold festivals on Midsummer's Eve, celebrating Mystra's ascension to godhood.


Mystra’s clergy, known as the Servants of Mystery, include clerics, wizards, bards, and sorcerers. Higher-ranking priests are titled Ladies or Lords of Mystery. They wear armor or regional clothing when appropriate and are responsible for exploring the depths of magical power. They often wear symbols of Mystra, such as the starburst.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Mystra are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Spellweave: Enhance the power and duration of spells.
  • Arcane Sight: Detect magical auras and see through illusions.
  • Magic Shield: Create protective barriers of magical energy.
  • Mystic Healing: Use magical energy to heal wounds and ailments.
  • Arcane Knowledge: Gain insights into ancient and forgotten magic.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Mystra’s followers often hold influential positions in magical academies, councils, and advisory roles. They are respected for their deep knowledge of magic and their role in maintaining the balance of magical energies. Mystra herself is known for choosing individuals with great potential to guide personally, often leading to tragic outcomes as mortals struggle to handle the power she bestows. It is even rumored that new heads of Kronus Academy must be approved by either a messenger of Mystra, or the goddess herself.


Within Mystra’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Order of the Starry Quill: Bards who gather and preserve magical knowledge.
  • Order of the Shooting Star: Rangers who protect against magical threats.
  • Knights of Mystic Fire: Paladins who quest to find ancient magical relics and protect Mystra’s temples.
Permeated Organizations


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