Order of the Red Fellowship Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Order of the Red Fellowship

Mythology & Lore

Tempus, also known as the Lord of Battles or the Foehammer, is the god of war, battle, and warriors. He embodies the chaotic and impartial nature of war, fighting alongside and against all factions without preference. Tempus is often depicted as a broad-shouldered, bearded man with an upright flaming sword, symbolizing his dominion over all aspects of combat.

Divine Origins

Tempus's worship dates back to the first battle between Selûne and Shar, from which he emerged as a deity of war. His temples are more akin to fortified military compounds, complete with armories, barracks, and training grounds. These places serve both as places of worship and as strongholds for his followers. In Sylvestris, he is known as the patron god of Sontar, although some believe that Sontarians do not properly honor Tempus with the way they conquer and conduct war.

Tenets of Faith

  • Be Fearless: Never shy away from a fight and face challenges head-on.
  • Honor War: Respect the rules of honorable combat and the natural force of war.
  • Spread Valor: Encourage bravery and valor in all battles.
  • Respect All Foes: Treat all opponents with respect, recognizing the honor in combat.
  • Honor Tempus: Offer prayers and rituals before battles to seek Tempus’s favor.


Followers of Tempus value courage, honor in battle, and respect for all warriors. They believe in fighting for what they believe in and maintaining the balance of power through honorable combat. Acts of bravery, leadership in battle, and adherence to the warrior's code are highly esteemed.


Worship of Tempus involves daily prayers and rituals, especially before battles. Important ceremonies include the Feast of the Moon, which honors the dead, and the Song of the Sword, a ritual involving the spilling of blood and singing to Tempus. Temples often celebrate the anniversaries of great battles as holy days.


The clergy of Tempus, known as Hammers, are warriors of various ranks who wear ceremonial armor according to their status. Their attire includes:
  • Acolyte: Leather jackets and baldrics.
  • Stalwart: Chainmail.
  • Hardhar: Breastplates and bracers.
  • Arahar: Splint mail.
  • Rauthat: Plate mail with shoulder spikes.
  • Direhar: Full plate.
  • Warlyon: Gilded magic plate mail enabling flight.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Tempus are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • War Cry: Inspire allies to fight with greater strength and courage.
  • Battlefield Control: Manipulate the battlefield to gain strategic advantages.
  • Shield of Valor: Create protective barriers to defend against attacks.
  • Warrior's Blessing: Enhance physical strength and combat skills.
  • Strike of Tempus: Channel divine energy into powerful attacks.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Tempus is widely seen as the patron god of Sontar. Sontarians often preach of their nationalistic goal of uniting all of Sylvestris under its banner. They also speak of the honor of battle that Tempus' followers value so highly. Many in the international community accuse Sontar of violating Tempus' teachings on the battlefield and in the way they wish to ruthlessly conquer any territory they can get their hands on.


Within Tempus’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Order of the Broken Blade: Honors warriors injured in Tempus’s service, who now serve in support roles.
  • Order of the Steel Fang: An elite fighting order assigned to the most hazardous duties.
  • The Fallen: Renegade warriors who have turned to worshiping demons, posing a significant threat to society.


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