Tempus, Lord of Battles Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Tempus, Lord of Battles

Divine Domains

War, Strength


  • The Battle Axe of Tempus: A legendary weapon that grants the wielder enhanced combat abilities and indomitable strength.
  • The Bloodsword: An ancient sword that is said to become stronger with every battle it partakes in, embodying the spirit of war and absorbing the essence of those it kills.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Book of Battles: A sacred text containing Tempus's teachings, war strategies, and guidelines for conducting honorable combat.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A blazing sword.

Tenets of Faith

  • Honor in Battle: Engage in combat honorably, respecting your foes and fighting with valor.
  • Valor and Bravery: Show courage in the face of danger, never fleeing from a fight unless absolutely necessary.
  • Strength and Skill: Develop physical strength and combat skills, always striving to improve.
  • Remember the Fallen: Honor those who have died in battle, ensuring their sacrifices are not forgotten.


  • The Feast of the Moon: An annual celebration honoring the dead, where followers commemorate fallen warriors with feasts and ceremonies.
  • The Day of Honor: A yearly event where followers engage in mock battles and tournaments to display their martial prowess and honor Tempus.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To promote honorable combat and valor among mortals.
  • To ensure that war is conducted with respect and integrity.
Divine Classification


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