Selûne, The Moonmaiden Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Selûne, The Moonmaiden

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Twilight


  • The Moonblade: A mystical sword that glows with lunar light, capable of banishing darkness and evil.
  • The Silver Chalice: An artifact that grants visions and guidance when moonlight is reflected in its waters.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Moonlit Tome: A sacred text that includes Selûne's teachings, hymns, prayers, and rituals dedicated to the Moonmaiden.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A pair of eyes surrounded by seven stars.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Light and Dark: Recognize and respect the balance between light and dark, good and evil, and the cycles of the moon.
  • Offer Guidance: Provide guidance and support to those who are lost or in need, serving as a beacon of hope.
  • Show Compassion: Act with compassion and empathy, helping those in distress and promoting healing and comfort.
  • Protect the Night: Safeguard the night and its creatures, ensuring that darkness is not used for evil purposes.


  • Night of the Full Moon: A monthly celebration where followers gather to honor Selûne with nocturnal rituals, feasts, and moonlit dances, giving thanks for her guidance and blessings.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To maintain the balance between light and dark in the world.
  • To guide and protect those who travel by night, offering hope and solace.
Divine Classification


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