The Lunari Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Lunari

Mythology & Lore

Selûne, also known as the Moonmaiden, is the goddess of the moon, stars, navigation, navigators, wanderers, questers, seekers, and non-evil lycanthropes. She is seen as a beacon of light in the darkness and a protector of those who travel by night. Her influence extends to the natural cycles of women and the guidance of travelers.

Divine Origins

The worship of Selûne has ancient roots in Faerûnian culture, where she is revered as the bringer of light and the guardian of night travelers. Her temples range from small shrines in the wilderness to grand, open-air temples with reflecting ponds and moonlit gardens.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Night: Find comfort and strength in the night and its mysteries.
  • Guide the Lost: Aid those who are lost or seeking their way.
  • Promote Acceptance: Embrace all beings as equals under the moon’s light.
  • Be a Beacon: Shine light into the darkest places and bring hope.
  • Honor Selûne: Offer nightly prayers and participate in moonlit rituals.


Followers of Selûne value guidance, protection, and the promotion of equality and acceptance. They strive to be a light in the darkness and to provide hope and guidance to those in need. Acts of kindness, guidance, and the protection of travelers are highly valued.


Worship of Selûne involves nightly prayers and rituals that honor the moon and its cycles. Important holidays include the Conjuring of the Second Moon and the Mystery of the Night, where followers engage in special rituals to commune with Selûne and receive her blessings.


Selûne’s clergy, often called Moonmaids or Moonlords, wear a variety of ceremonial garbs depending on their temple. High priestesses may wear elaborate gowns adorned with moonstones and pearls, while others wear simple white robes. They often carry a special mace known as the Moon’s Hand, which is fashioned in the shape of the moon.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Selûne are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Moonbeam: Channel moonlight to harm enemies and heal allies.
  • Lunar Blessing: Bestow blessings that enhance physical and spiritual strength.
  • Guiding Light: Illuminate dark paths and reveal hidden truths.
  • Lunar Protection: Provide shields and wards that protect from harm.
  • Moonfire: Enchant objects or beings with lunar energy for various effects.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Selûne’s followers often hold roles as guides, navigators, and protectors within their communities. They are respected for their wisdom and their ability to provide guidance and protection, especially at night.


Within Selûne’s faith, several orders exist:
  • The Swords of the Lady: Known as the Lunatics, this order consists of crusaders and mystics who rapidly respond to threats from Shar.
  • The Oracles of the Moon: A group of female diviners dedicated to interpreting Selûne’s will and providing guidance to her followers.


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