Shar, Goddess of Loss Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Shar, Goddess of Loss

Divine Domains

Darkness, Loss, Night, Despair


  • The Orb of Darkness: An artifact that creates a field of impenetrable darkness and absorbs light and hope.
  • The Tear of Shar: A crystal that causes intense sorrow and despair in those who gaze upon it.

Holy Books & Codes

  • Tales Of What Was Once Lost: A sacred text that details Shar’s teachings, rituals, and the philosophy of embracing loss and despair.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A black disk with a deep purple border.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace the Darkness: Accept the inevitability of loss and the comfort of darkness.
  • Spread Despair: Instill feelings of sorrow and hopelessness in others.
  • Cherish Forgetting: Help others forget their pain and past, even if through dark means.
  • Honor Night: Night and darkness are sacred; work and worship in their embrace.
  • Worship Loss: Loss is a natural and sacred part of life; honor it in all forms.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To spread darkness and despair across the realms, ensuring that loss and sorrow are constant companions of mortals.
  • To undermine hope and joy, replacing them with sorrow and forgetfulness.
Divine Classification


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