The Nightbringers Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Nightbringers

Mythology & Lore

Shar, known as the Mistress of the Night, is the goddess of darkness, loss, night, and secrets. She embodies the destructive aspects of darkness and the despair that comes with loss. Shar is often depicted as a beautiful human woman with long, raven-black hair, dressed in swirling dark garments, with haunting purple eyes that reflect the void.

Divine Origins

Shar's origins are deeply intertwined with the creation of the universe. She and her twin sister, Selûne, were born from the primordial essence of darkness and light. Together, they created the heavens and the earth, but a fierce conflict arose between them over bringing warmth and life to the world. This conflict led to Shar becoming the eternal adversary of Selûne, and her alignment with forces of darkness and destruction.

Tenets of Faith

  • Reveal Secrets Only to the Faithful: Share secrets exclusively within the faith.
  • Quench the Light: Oppose and destroy agents and items of Selûne whenever possible.
  • Embrace the Dark: Use darkness as a tool for action and concealment.
  • Honor Shar: Engage in rituals and sacrifices to demonstrate devotion.
  • Avoid Hope: Shun hope and promises of success, embracing the inevitability of loss.


Followers of Shar value secrecy, darkness, and the acceptance of loss. They believe in using the cover of darkness to achieve their goals and view hope as a weakness. Acts of subterfuge, destruction of light-based artifacts, and spreading despair are considered virtuous.


Worship of Shar involves nightly prayers and rituals conducted in complete darkness. Followers are also required to engage in acts of wickedness once every tenday. In times of great despair, people sometimes seek Shar's embrace in hopes of finding purpose within their loss.


Shar’s clergy, known as Sharrans, wear clothes in the local fashion during day-to-day life, often adorned with jewelry made from dark stones like obsidian and onyx. In hostile situations, they don armor and take protective measures. The clergy consists of various ranks, with higher-ranking members known as Dark Justiciars or members of the elite order, the Dark Moon.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Shar are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Shadow Cloak: Envelop themselves in darkness to become nearly invisible.
  • Darkness Manipulation: Create and control areas of magical darkness.
  • Despair Touch: Instill feelings of hopelessness and despair in others.
  • Shadow Step: Move through shadows to traverse distances unseen.
  • Secret Keeper: Gain knowledge of hidden truths and secrets.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Shar’s followers often operate in the shadows, influencing political events through subterfuge and manipulation. They work behind the scenes to undermine light-aligned organizations and spread Shar’s influence. Their influence is particularly strong in areas where secrecy and intrigue are valued.


Within Shar’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Dark Justiciars: An honorary order for those who have killed a member of Selûne’s clergy.
  • Dark Moon: An elite order of sorcerer-monks who use the Shadow Weave to further Shar’s agenda.
  • Nightfall Ritualists: Priests who lead nocturnal dancing and feasting rituals followed by acts of wickedness.


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