Sune, Lady of Love Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Sune, Lady of Love

Divine Domains

Life, Light, Love


  • The Heartstone: A gemstone that radiates warmth and love, capable of healing emotional wounds and fostering affection.
  • The Mirror of Beauty: An artifact that reveals the inner beauty of those who gaze into it, inspiring confidence and self-love.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Book of Love: A sacred text containing Sune's teachings, poems, hymns, and guides for living a life of beauty and passion.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A red heart with a golden border.

Tenets of Faith

  • Cherish Beauty: Recognize and appreciate the beauty in all things, both physical and spiritual.
  • Love Unconditionally: Embrace and express love freely, fostering deep and meaningful relationships.
  • Pursue Passion: Follow your passions and desires, finding joy and fulfillment in creative and loving endeavors.
  • Promote Joy: Spread happiness and delight, uplifting others through acts of kindness and beauty.


  • Festival of Love: An annual celebration held on the first day of summer, filled with music, dancing, and feasting, where followers honor Sune by expressing their love and appreciation for beauty in all its forms.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To promote love, beauty, and passion in the world.
  • To inspire mortals to cherish and protect the beauty around them.
Divine Classification


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