The Heartwarders Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Heartwarders

Mythology & Lore

Sune, also known as Lady Firehair, is the goddess of beauty, love, passion, and relationships. She is seen as the embodiment of all things beautiful and believes in the power of love and beauty to bring joy and fulfillment.

Divine Origins

Sune's worship dates back to ancient times, with her influence spanning across various cultures in Faerûn. Her temples are often breathtakingly beautiful, featuring elegant architecture, stunning gardens, and artistic decorations.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Beauty: Celebrate and enhance beauty in all forms.
  • Love Passionately: Pursue and cherish true love and deep passion.
  • Promote Joy: Spread joy and happiness through acts of love and beauty.
  • Be Generous: Share beauty and love freely with those around you.
  • Honor Sune: Offer daily prayers and participate in rituals that celebrate love and beauty.


Followers of Sune value love, beauty, and passion. They believe that true beauty comes from within and strive to awaken love and beauty in others. Acts of kindness, the promotion of art and beauty, and the celebration of love are highly valued.


Worship of Sune involves daily prayers and rituals that honor beauty and love. Important ceremonies include Greengrass and Midsummer Night, celebrated with outdoor festivities and dances. Temples often host grand revels and feasts to attract new converts.


The clergy of Sune, known as Sunites, wear lavish and beautiful clothing that reflects their devotion to the goddess. The highest-ranking priest is called the Heartwarder, chosen for their inner and outer beauty. Sunite priests often serve as advisors on matters of love and beauty.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Sune are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Charm Person: Influence others with divine charm.
  • Blessing of Beauty: Enhance physical appearance and charisma.
  • Healing Touch: Heal wounds and ailments.
  • Inspire Passion: Ignite feelings of love and passion in others.
  • Radiant Aura: Emit a soothing and beautiful light.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Sune’s followers often hold influential positions in society, especially in fields related to art, fashion, and relationships. They are respected for their beauty and their ability to bring joy and harmony to their communities.


Within Sune’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Order of the Ruby Rose: A knightly order dedicated to protecting Sunite temples and holy sites, as well as performing good deeds in Sune's name.
  • Heartwarders: Devoted priests and priestesses who guide and inspire others in matters of love and beauty.


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