Sylvanus, The Forest Father Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Sylvanus, The Forest Father

Divine Domains

Nature, Life


  • The Horn of Silvanus: A mystical horn that can summon woodland creatures to aid the bearer.
  • Staff of the Woodlands: A powerful druidic artifact that can control plant life and summon natural elements.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A stylized oak leaf.

Tenets of Faith

  • Maintain Balance: Strive to maintain the balance between the forces of nature, ensuring that no single element overwhelms the others.
  • Respect Nature: Show reverence for all natural things, understanding that every element of nature has its place and purpose.
  • Protect the Wilds: Safeguard the wilderness from encroachment and destruction, defending it against those who would harm it.
  • Embrace the Cycle: Recognize and honor the natural cycles of life and death, growth and decay.


  • Greegrass: An annual festival marking the arrival of spring, celebrated with feasting and rituals in the open air.
  • Midsummer Night: A night of revelry and celebration, honoring the height of summer and the bounty of nature.
  • Higharvestide: A harvest festival giving thanks for the fruits of the earth.
  • The Night the Forest Walks: A mysterious event that can occur at any time, during which the forest comes alive with movement, and powerful natural magic is at its peak.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To protect and preserve the natural world.
  • To ensure the balance of nature is maintained and respected.
Divine Classification


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