The Oakheart Circle Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Oakheart Circle

Mythology & Lore

Sylvanus, known as the Forest Father, is the god of wild nature, druids, and the balance of life. He is a powerful deity who oversees the natural world, ensuring that the cycles of growth, decay, and rebirth continue in harmony. Sylvanus is often depicted as a bearded man with stag horns, draped in leaves and vines.

Divine Origins

Sylvanus' worship dates back to the ancient times of Faerûn, where he has been revered as the protector of nature. His temples are typically found in dense forests and natural groves rather than urban areas. Sylvanus’s influence has endured through the ages, with druids and nature worshipers upholding his teachings. Following the creation of Sylvestris by the Primordials, Sylvanus' reach could already be felt. He did not show animosity towards the primordials as the other gods did. He offered induction into the normal cycle of life and was revered for it.

Tenets of Faith

  • Maintain Balance: Ensure the natural cycles of life, death, and rebirth are respected.
  • Protect Nature: Defend natural areas from unnecessary destruction and despoilment.
  • Respect All Life: Recognize the value of all living creatures and their roles in the ecosystem.
  • Honor Sylvanus: Perform rituals and offer sacrifices that respect and celebrate the natural world.
  • Embrace Simplicity: Live in harmony with nature, avoiding excess and waste.
  • Ethics

    Followers of Sylvanus value balance, respect for nature, and the interconnectedness of all life. They believe in the importance of maintaining the natural order and often oppose activities that harm the environment. Acts of conservation, restoration, and defense of natural habitats are highly valued.


    Worship of Sylvanus involves daily prayers and rituals conducted in natural settings. Important ceremonies include Greengrass, Midsummer Night, and Higharvestide, which celebrate the cycles of nature. Temples often hold rituals such as the Call of Oak, Ash, and Thorn, and the Dryad Dance to honor Sylvanus and ensure the health of the forest.


    Sylvanus’s clergy, including druids and clerics, are known for their practical and often rustic attire, which includes robes made of natural materials like hides and moss. Higher-ranking druids, called arch druids, lead circles and report to regional grand druids. The priesthood is deeply connected to the natural world, performing rituals that honor the Forest Father and protect the wilderness.

    Granted Divine Powers

    Priests of Sylvanus are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
    • Nature’s Grasp: Control plants to ensnare and hinder enemies.
    • Animal Bond: Communicate with and command animals.
    • Forest Shield: Create protective barriers from natural elements.
    • Healing Touch: Use natural energy to heal wounds and ailments.
    • Summon Elementals: Call forth elemental spirits to aid in tasks.

    Political Influence & Intrigue

    Sylvanus’ followers often hold influential positions in rural and wilderness areas, advocating for the protection of natural environments. They are respected for their wisdom and their ability to maintain the balance of nature. Their influence extends to all areas where the natural world is threatened or valued. Along with Chauntee, Sylvanus is revered as the patron god of Fendahl, following the war of the trees. The druid council that rules Fendahl uses Sylvanus' name to justify the war they waged, however, some believe that they took things too far.


    Within Sylvanus’s faith, several orders exist:
    • Emerald Enclave: A large society of druids dedicated to maintaining the natural balance.
    • Order of the Oak: Druids and rangers who protect ancient forests and sacred groves.
    • Greenleaf Priesthood: Clerics who focus on the conservation and restoration of natural areas.


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