Talos, The Storm Lord Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Talos, The Storm Lord

Divine Domains

Tempest, Chaos, Destruction


  • The Eye of Talos: An artifact that allows the wielder to summon powerful storms and control weather with destructive precision.
  • Storm's Fury: A warhammer imbued with the essence of a storm, capable of unleashing thunder and lightning upon enemies.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A single eye with lightning bolts emanating from it.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Chaos: Accept and promote chaos and destruction as natural parts of the world.
  • Wield the Storm: Harness the power of storms and natural disasters to demonstrate Talos’s might.
  • Live Without Fear: Face danger and destruction fearlessly, seizing opportunities and thriving in chaos.
  • Proclaim Talos's Power: Spread the fear and power of Talos by showing the devastation his followers can cause.


  • The Stormcall: An annual celebration where followers summon storms and perform rituals of destruction, showcasing their devotion and Talos’s power.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To spread chaos and destruction across the realms.
  • To command respect and fear through the demonstration of raw, destructive power.
Divine Classification


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