The Thunderous Order Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Thunderous Order

Mythology & Lore

Talos, known as the Storm Lord, is the god of storms, destruction, and rebellion. He represents the untamed fury and unpredictability of nature. Talos is often depicted as a broad-shouldered, bearded man with one good eye, wearing half-plate armor over black leather and a dark eye patch over his empty eye socket filled with whirling stars.

Divine Origins

Talos’s worship dates back to the early days of Faerûn, where he emerged from the first battle between Selûne and Shar. His temples are often secretive, situated in places prone to natural disasters like fault lines, storm paths, and volcanic areas, reflecting his chaotic nature.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Chaos: Accept and harness the power of natural destruction.
  • Spread Fear: Use the threat of Talos’s fury to gain respect and power.
  • Seize Power: Take advantage of chaos to claim what you desire.
  • Revel in Destruction: Celebrate and cause destruction to honor Talos.
  • Honor Talos: Offer prayers and sacrifices to appease and seek favor from Talos.


Followers of Talos value chaos, power, and destruction. They believe in the necessity of destruction to make way for new growth and see themselves as agents of Talos’s will. Acts of extortion, banditry, and random violence are often committed in his name.


Worship of Talos involves daily prayers and rituals invoking storms and destruction. Important ceremonies include Calling Down the Thunder, a ritual sacrifice by lightning, and The Fury, a berserk attack ritual to cause maximum destruction. Talossan holy sites are often secret and fortified.


The clergy of Talos, known as Talassans, wear black robes with jagged lines of gold and silver, and high clergy wear blue-white robes streaked with crimson. They are identified by their dark eye patches. Talassan clergy have no formal hierarchy. Might enforces obedience within the cult.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Talos are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Storm Call: Summon storms and lightning to strike foes.
  • Destructive Wave: Release a wave of destructive energy.
  • Wind Walk: Transform into a cloud-like form to travel quickly.
  • Lightning Strike: Channel lightning to smite enemies.
  • Storm Shield: Create a protective barrier of storm energy.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Talos’s followers often hold power in areas prone to natural disasters, using fear and the promise of protection to exert control. They are known for extorting sailors and farmers, threatening natural calamities if not appeased. Their influence is strongest in chaotic, lawless regions.


Within Talos’s faith, several secretive orders exist:
  • Lords of the Tempest: Wizards specializing in elemental magic.
  • Circle of Rust and the Worm: A cabal dedicated to world destruction through chaos.
  • Stormbringers: Priests who use their powers to control weather and invoke Talos’s wrath.


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