The Luckbringers Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Luckbringers

Mythology & Lore

Tymora, also known as Lady Luck, is the goddess of good fortune, skill, victory, and adventurers. She embodies the spirit of daring and the thrill of risk. Tymora is often depicted as a fit female with an impish nose, long flowing white hair, and a bright smile. She is always seen wearing a blue robe with silver trim and often appears as whatever race the viewer is.

Divine Origins

Tymora's worship stems from the story of Tyche, the former deity of luck, who was split into two deities, Tymora and her sister Beshaba, after being infected by Moander's evil essence. Temples dedicated to Tymora are often lively places filled with gamblers, adventurers, and those seeking her favor.

Tenets of Faith

  • Be Bold: Live life to its fullest, embracing risks and opportunities.
  • Trust in Luck: Place yourself in the hands of fate and trust your luck.
  • Pursue Goals: Chase your own unique goals with confidence.
  • Honor Tymora: Offer daily prayers and participate in rituals to seek Tymora's favor.
  • Aid Adventurers: Help fellow adventurers and those who dare to take risks.


Followers of Tymora value bravery, taking risks, and living life to its fullest. They believe in embracing opportunities and trusting in their luck. Acts of daring, helping fellow adventurers, and achieving personal goals are highly regarded.


Worship of Tymora involves daily prayers and rituals that celebrate risk and fortune. Important ceremonies include Midsummer, a nightlong revel of daring and romance, and Starfall, celebrated on the 22nd day of Marpenoth, marking the date of Tyche’s destruction and Tymora’s birth.


The clergy of Tymora, known as Luckbringers, wear blue robes with silver trim and carry silver disks as their holy symbols. Their attire is often practical, allowing for movement and adventure. They engage in rituals of greeting by touching their silver disks to one another while exchanging watchwords of recognition.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Tymora are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Fortune’s Favor: Increase the luck and success of themselves and their allies.
  • Gambler’s Luck: Enhance their chances in games of chance and risky situations.
  • Lucky Strike: Channel luck into their attacks to make them more effective.
  • Protection of Luck: Create a protective aura that deflects harm.
  • Blessing of Tymora: Bestow good fortune on others.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Tymora’s followers often hold influential positions among adventurers, gamblers, and those who value luck. They are respected for their daring and their ability to influence fortune. Their influence extends to all areas where risk and opportunity are present.


Within Tymora’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Fellows of Free Fate: Clergy dedicated to countering Beshaba’s influence.
  • Testers: Fanatical followers who take extreme risks for Tymora.
  • Fatemakers: A heretical group believing all luck is the same and can be influenced by mortals.


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