Tymora, Lady of Luck Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Tymora, Lady of Luck

Divine Domains

Trickery, Chaos, Good, Luck, Protection, Travel


  • Lucky Coin of Tymora: A coin that brings good fortune to its bearer, often used by gamblers and adventurers.
  • The Silver Band: A ring that grants its wearer increased luck and protection against misfortune.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A silver coin featuring Tymora’s face surrounded by shamrocks.

Tenets of Faith

  • Embrace Boldness: Be daring and bold, as fortune favors the brave.
  • Trust in Luck: Have faith in your luck and Tymora’s guidance, taking risks when necessary.
  • Spread Joy and Fortune: Share your good fortune with others, bringing joy and luck to those around you.
  • Live Adventurously: Lead an adventurous life, seeking new experiences and challenges.


  • Starfall: The most holy festival of Tymora, occurring on the 18th day of February. This day is marked by wild revelry, games of chance, and romantic trysts, celebrating the birth of Tymora and the joy of good fortune.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To promote good fortune and boldness among mortals.
  • To ensure that luck and chance play their roles in the lives of all beings.
Divine Classification


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