The Wavecallers Organization in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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The Wavecallers

Mythology & Lore

Umberlee, often called the Bitch Queen or the Queen of the Depths, is the chaotic deity of the sea, storms, and marine tempests. She revels in the destruction and power she wields over the waters, demanding tribute and respect from sailors and coastal dwellers. Umberlee is usually depicted as a beautiful, yet terrifying woman with greenish skin, dark eyes, and seaweed-wrapped hair.

Divine Origins

Umberlee’s worship has ancient roots, especially among seafaring people who fear her wrath. Her followers believe that she can grant favorable winds or unleash devastating storms. Temples to Umberlee are usually located near docks and wharves, consisting of simple altars often covered in seaweed and seashells.

Tenets of Faith

  • Fear the Sea: Respect and fear the power of the ocean.
  • Pay Tribute: Offer valuable sacrifices to appease Umberlee and avoid her wrath.
  • Spread Her Might: Promote the fear of Umberlee among seafarers and coastal communities.
  • Embrace Chaos: Accept the unpredictable nature of the sea.
  • Honor Umberlee: Engage in rituals and sometimes sacrifices prior to seafaring journeys to gain her favor.


Followers of Umberlee value fear, chaos, and respect for the sea’s power. They believe in exacting tribute from those who travel the seas and ensuring that Umberlee's wrath is widely feared. Acts of piracy, extortion, and spreading terror are often seen as means to uphold her influence.


Worship of Umberlee involves daily prayers and rituals that include offerings of precious items thrown into the sea. Major ceremonies include the First Tide, celebrated with a parade and animal sacrifice, and Stormcall, a mass prayer seeking Umberlee’s intervention in storms. The Drowning is a private ritual to initiate new priests, involving the potential drowning of the supplicant.


Umberlee’s clergy, known as Umberlants, wear skin-tight blue or green body stockings with capes trimmed with white fur, symbolizing the foaming breakers of the sea. They often carry hooked dueling knives. Higher-ranking priests adopt titles such as Flood Tide, Dark Breaker, or Wave of Fury, reflecting their standing and service to Umberlee.

Granted Divine Powers

Priests of Umberlee are granted divine powers to aid their mission:
  • Control Water: Manipulate water to create floods or calm seas.
  • Summon Storm: Call forth storms and tempests.
  • Sea’s Wrath: Unleash powerful waves and whirlpools.
  • Speak with the Drowned: Communicate with the spirits of those who died at sea.
  • Tidal Shield: Create protective barriers of water.

Political Influence & Intrigue

Umberlee’s followers often hold sway in coastal regions, using their influence to extract tributes from sailors and merchants. They are both feared and respected for their power over the sea and their ability to control the weather. Their influence is particularly strong in pirate communities and among coastal warlords. Umberlee's influence often overrides that of the worship of patron gods of each country when visiting port cities, as it is thought that Umberlee has a much more immediate impact on their day-to-day lives.


Within Umberlee’s faith, several orders exist:
  • Sea Queen’s Breakers: Adventurers who seek treasures beneath the waves and undertake perilous quests.
  • Wave Servants: Priests who specialize in manipulating water and calling forth storms.
  • Dread Tide: An elite group of Umberlants known for their ruthless enforcement of Umberlee's will.


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