Umberlee, Goddess of Oceans Character in Sylvestris | World Anvil
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Umberlee, Goddess of Oceans

Divine Domains

Tempest, Chaos, Destruction, Ocean, Storm, Water


  • The Wave Trident: A powerful artifact said to control the tides and summon devastating sea storms.
  • The Pearl of Umberlee: An artifact that grants its bearer the ability to breathe underwater and control sea creatures.

Holy Books & Codes

  • The Drowned Book: A sacred text detailing Umberlee's rituals, prayers, and the feared commandments of the Bitch Queen.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

A wave curling left and right.

Tenets of Faith

  • Rule the Seas: Assert dominance over the seas and those who travel them, demanding offerings and sacrifices to appease Umberlee.
  • Spread Fear: Instill fear in sailors and coastal dwellers, ensuring they respect the power of the sea.
  • Wield the Storm: Use the power of storms and the sea to demonstrate Umberlee’s might.
  • Embrace Chaos: Accept and promote chaos and destruction as natural and inevitable forces.


  • The Feast of the Drowned: An annual celebration where followers honor Umberlee with sacrifices, sea chants, and rituals to appease her wrath and seek her favor.

Divine Goals & Aspirations

  • To maintain her dominion over the seas and instill fear and respect among those who travel them.
  • To spread chaos and destruction through the power of storms and the ocean.
Divine Classification


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