Einar's Zoological Garden

This article is a Work in Progress and will be finished soon™
  The Town of Einar in southeast Dhalmain was founded and inhabited by the Priests and devoutees of Flejnathry, the deity embodying the Law of Matter in the Autonomist belief.
In their pursue of a settlement built around their values of enjoyement of the material and preservation of nature the Einites dedicated a substantial area to a nature reserve with a zoological garden functioning next to its border.  






Breifel, depicted in the classic Dhalmanite style by Naelin
The zoo counts with a selection of the most interesting local creatures, but also characteristic representatives of the exotic fauna of the Haan Archipelago, including popular enclosures for a pair of endangered hierde and four sceapilions.       Smaller enclosures exhibit diverse species of khom, as well as a cuppat brought from Stunveldt.   In true Dhalmanite fashion, a section of the zoo is dedicated to remarkable specimens of carefully bred domestic species, exhibiting rare varieties of lyraiks, alzufhars and even trelis.  

Museum Area


Preservation Work

Besides simply exhibithing exotic creatures, the zoo has worked with emmissaries from Larea to work on the restoration of some critically endangered species, lending their facilities to the breeding of creatures that are dwindling or even extinct in the wild.
Parent Location

Cover image: Dhalmain Banner by Naelin


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