Symbols of power Second edition of the Book of Habits and Beasts

Second edition of the Book of Habits and Beasts

Cultural event


Veld and their team started working on the new compilation of the Books of Habits and Beasts around 3012 E.Alz.   As the High Rust hit the archipelago and impacted most things in it, it required intense updating and rewriting for a team that was as hit by the consequences of the High Rust as anybody else.   Though many of the collaborators and consulted professionals were lost to the rust, Veld and their closer circle considered the situation to require a second edition even more urgently, as many were using the periodic magazines to get accurate information on the situation of other islands, and sending their own news to Veld's team to research on.   In an incommensurate team effort, the second edition of The Book of the Habits and Beasts was released on 03/03/03 of the new Era of Rust, and the team continued ever since writing, updating and researching, preparing for a widely requested 3rd edition.