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Astrology & the Zodiac


Though there's little proof to the practice, astrology is a popular pastime for the common folk and scholar alike. Practitioners of the belief state that there are various factors that are determined at one's birth. In its inception in Kyrias, astrology would compare the positions and angles of the three moons to the Sixteen (The constellations corrisponding to each of the 16 Aligned Outer Planes). These angles allegedly will determining who you are in that realm of life. To this day, the position of the three moons is compared to the Sixteen; however, with the introduction of the Zodiac, more and more people have begun to share the belief. This is when the sun and other planets were introduced to a common reading. The notable bit though is that the three moons are still compared to the Sixteen. Even in the smaller groups of over zealous followers, all moons, regardless of the planet are considered in the Sixteen, though the reading can vary wildly. The one commonality across cultures it the determination of the Sixteen from lawful to chaotic and good to evil. These are often the descriptors used in cultures utilizing the Sixteen. In modern beliefs, it is said that one's sun sign is what fully defines them. For older models, practitioners say all three define you.

Another determination is said to be the positioning of the Zodiac at the time of your birth, most notable of which is one's "rising" sign, or the sign on the horizon at the time of birth.

Another large part of the culture is the angles or aspects in which certain celestial bodies align or their angle at the time of birth. This angle, known as Aspects, can determine the relationship across these domains.

Big Five

The following are believed to be the five most important readings when it comes to one's natal chart.

Compared to the Zodiac:
  • Foso - Self (Personality & Ego)
  • Rising - External Perception

Compared to the Sixteen:
  • Fengar - Positive Emotions
  • Noctis - Negative Emotions
  • Marama - Stressor Reaction

Other Celestial Bodies and Their Meanings:
  • Odysius - Communication & Thought
  • Emos - Aggression & Action
  • Apat - Luck & Pleasure
  • Fysic - Creativity & Subconscious
  • Zoisia - Relationships & Sex
  • Ella - Innovation & Change
  • Hanah - Spirituality, Death, & Rebirth

Note on Eclipses
Solar Eclipses
Those born during a solar eclipse are said to be more driven by emotions than logic, specifically of the moon that obscures the sun. Though the person still falls under the zodiac sign, the moon sign becomes far more important for understanding them.
Lunar Eclipses
Those born under a Lunar eclipse are said to have that moon not be aligned to any of the Sixteen but rather to Sigil. Those born under such are said to be more logical than emotional and prefer to preserve knowledge.

The Zodiac

The tale of the Zodiac varies from culture to culture, even village to village. It generally tells a tale of an adventurer who sails around the world. Each zodiac part has its own stories and personification. Depending on the storyteller, it can have a positive or a negative outcome. All of these are various contellations in the night.

The Gate ( 12 Tritos - 17 Tetartos )
The Gate is the first of the Zodiac and embodies the idea of being "first". This is said to embodied the "go getter" mentality. This often is accompanied by a lack of planing and mistakes from such.
  The Shield ( 18 Tetartos - 24 Pemptos )
The Shield is the sign of protectors and defenders. The sign can be depicted in many forms from caring parents to overzealous partners.   The Sailor ( 25 Pemptos - 5 Evdomos )
The Sailor is the sign of adventurers and explorers. The sign signifies a desire for action and new experiences.

The Axes ( 6 Evdomos - 11 Ogdoo )
The Axes are a duality: One axe the axe of a warrior, the other, an axe of a labourer. It's a common mistake to depict the axes as both warrior's axes. The Axes represent the duality of every situation. Yes, the Axes can represent a great warrior, but they can also represent hard work and determination.

The Raccoon ( 12 Ogdoo - 15 Enatos )
The Raccoon is the sign on the trickster. The sign of rogues and deceit. This sign signifies duplicity and hidden intent.

The Coin ( 16 Enatos - 19 Dekatos )
The Coin is the sign of merchants and tradesmen. It depicts negotiation and bargaining.

The Crown ( 20 Dekatos - 23 Prota )
The Crown is the sign of rulers: both tyrannical or benevolant. It signifies control over situations and control over life; Though, that control can be false and only perceived. It's about the belief of control.

The Jester ( 24 Prota - 7 Deftero )
The Jester is the sign of chaotic gremlins. The jester is often mistaken for the Raccoon, but the key difference is the order and choice. Whereas the Raccoon is often methodical, the Jester is unpredictable and wild.

The Widow ( 8 Deftero - 11 Tritos )
The Widow is the sign of the reserved and the somber. Priests, librarians, and monks all can be Widows. The Widow is quiet and often introverted.

The Sixteen

The following is the alignment commonly assigned to each constellation of of the standard Sixteen in the context of astrology.  
  • Pitchfork (Hades) - Neutral Evil
  • Volcano (Ghenna) - Neutral Evil (Lawful leaning)
  • Eye of Hell (Nine Hells) - Lawful Evil
  • The Cube (Acheron) - Lawful Neutral (Evil leaning)
  • Gear (Mechanus) - Lawful Neutral
  • Shine (Arcadia) - Lawful Neutral (Good leaning)
  • Mountain Celestia - Lawful Good
  • Hourglass (Bytopia) - Neutral Good (Lawful leaning)
  • The Rainbow (Elysium) - Neutral Good
  • The Beast (Beastlands) - Neutral Good (Chaotic leaning)
  • The Mountain (Aborea) - Chaotic Good
  • The Great Tree (Ysgard) - Chaotic Neutral (Good leaning)
  • Limbo - Chaotic Neutral
  • Pandamonium - Chaotic Neutral (Evil leaning)
  • Decsent (Abyss) - Chaotic Evil
  • The Speared Eye (Carcrei) - Neutral Evil (Chaotic leaning)


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