Age of Scorn in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Age of Scorn

The Age of Scorn is a period in history (from ~1200 AoD to ~2800 AoD) in which all things magic were shunned and hated by most of the population. Many practitioners of the arcane were hunted down and killed for even the smallest cantrip. This period is regularly credited with slowing down the societal, arcane, and technological progress of the entire world.   During this time, wizardry as an academic discipline was nonexistent and would not emerge for thousands of years. Instead, sorcerers, druids, and other innate magic users were the subject of oppression. Their esoteric connection to the flow of magic was terrifying and, due to lack of training, especially volatile. Bloodlines with known arcane heritage were hunted down and exterminated en masse. The few that managed to survive were either driven underground or forced to live on the fringes of society. Despite the persecution, there was no shortage of new magical talents emerging from all corners of the globe. These people, unable to practice their craft openly, had formed clandestine communities around themselves.   From druidic circles that built vast folds in the depths of the wilderness to cultish hives beneath cities where sorcerers sought to learn more about their magical powers, these groups of spellcasters came together to learn and share what knowledge they possessed. Some of these communities were small, some were large, and others were as powerful as the nations of their time.  

The City State of Schenschti

Of particular note was the 'independent nation' of Schenschti. Situated on the outskirts of the north-western curve of the Zoroght Mountains, this community of sorcerers was a bastion of learning and power. The city-state had grown to be the largest and most influential community of magic users in the world.   Although despised by much of the world, these communities would soon be instrumental in the survival of the 'Weakerlings' versus an unfathomable force in a coming war.


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