Emblems of Authority Tradition / Ritual in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Emblems of Authority

As one may gather from the name, "Emblems of Authority" are symbols of power, heritage, and the right to rule. These artifacts, ranging from ornately crafted weapons and armor to mystical relics and enchanted items, often reflect the values of the nobles they belong to.  


The tradition of creating and maintaining Emblems of Authority is deeply rooted in the history of nobel society. When civilization was first gaining its footing, those with the ability to create arcane weapons or other magical items were the obvious leaders. However, over the millenia since then, the ability for a lord to forge a great sword has shifted out of focus. Now, each noble house strives to commission or acquire items that not only symbolize their power but also provide tangible advantages, be they in diplomacy, warfare, or protection.  


Though not strictly necessary in modern noble society, the creation of an Emblem of Authority is still a rite of passage for some.  


The power held within these Emblems varies greatly, from weapons capable of felling armies, to rings that can sway the hearts and minds of men. Some are said to control the elements, while others protect entire cities from harm. The loss or theft of an Emblem is considered an omen of doom, signaling the decline or even the end of a noble line.

Tousian Legacy

Following the Whispering Blanch, the once-mighty armory of House Tousia, a collection unmatched in history and power, was plundered in the chaos of the Trying Times. The scattering of their Emblems across the realms marked not only the physical dispersal of their power but also the symbolic shattering of their dynasty.   Today, the missing Tousian Emblems are items of legend, coveted by treasure hunters, warlords, and scholars alike.


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