Silver Straight Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Silver Straight

If a sailor desires to travel south, the Silver Straight is their exit. If they wish to travel north, it is their perilous entrance. It is renowned for its crystal-clear waters and shimmering reflections, creating a mesmerizing and magical ambiance for those who traverse its passage; however, it has become infamous for shipwrecks and tales of maritime peril. Navigating the Silver Straight requires skill, intuition, and a keen understanding of the ever-changing skies.  
It is unclear where the "Silver" descriptor comes from. Perhaps it is for the value seen by (amateur) sailors as they sail into it? Maybe it is some romantisization of the crashing waves, which have felled many ships. I know not.   -Addendum by Field Scribe Thalastine


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