Soric Daiget Character in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Soric Daiget

Soric is a bit of a prolific figure in history. He is responsible for many advancements in magical knowledge and spell creation. In fact, he is regularly referred to as "The Father of Transmutation" by historians and mages alike.  

Early Life

Soric was born to a loving family in the city of Paraísó during thee 14th Year of Amity. From a young age, Soric had a penchant and talent for transmutation magic. He quickly grasped the casting and usage of the Mending cantrip and made money around town by repairing people's things.   After his father received a gruesome wound chopping down trees, Soric wanted to adapt his magic to be able to influence flesh as well as inanimate materials. But any information he could find suggested that transmutation could only be used on non-living things. His father lived but was never able to use his legs again. Still, he persisted and began experimenting with the mending of trees. But when he attempted to use it on an injured raccoon, things went poorly.   However, he was able to influence his own eyes to be able to see in the dark through the Darkvision spell.   Thus, Soric sought entrance into the Roialis University of Magic. But for entry, they required evidence of arcane advancement. When he was only 16, he perfected his Darkvision spell and presented it by casting it on the examiner. With little monetary support from his bedridden father, Soric Daiget attended Roialis in search of unlocking the potential of transmutation magic and sought expert knowledge on the subject.  

Life at University

To his horror, it was seen as situationally applicable, weak, and barely worth practicing. It was used for amusing children and minor boons. They were able to cast spells on living things, but they were always temporary. He was told to seek out a cleric for his father, but he had already done so. While such magics eased his pain, they did not fully heal his spine. Not to mention it depleted much of their savings.   He continued with his research. Some professors took an interest in him and tried to assist, but they could barely grasp how far Soric had already come. He worked alone for years to create more and more spells, some by accident, in pursuit of the ability to permanently transmute flesh. Some of the spells he made were: Alter Self, Spider Climb, and even Flesh to Stone. He was an unofficial professor in his field as those meant to teach him instead learned from him. Obsessed with his work, Soric was not at his father's side when he passed away.   Just a few months afterwards, he was able to cast Regenerate for the first time. Likely due to the immense regret and grief and in his first sign of madness, he wandered the university and gathered an audience. He cut off various parts of his body, and then simply grew them back. This erratic behavior earned him horrified respect, but he was soon kicked out of the university when he offered to 'demonstrate' the same magic on the colleagues that had made fun of him.  


With virtually no money or influence outside the University, he used his skills to earn money in the same way he had as a child. In addition, he opened a small clinic, but soon closed it as he had no method of treating disease. Eventually, he made his way to one of the Blackstone Islands in search of a place to study in peace.   Little is known of his habits here. Some people would visit him for he had gained a reputation with his ability to restore limbs. There, he, seemingly alone, advanced transmutation to the school that we see today. He created and used the first successful polymorph spell, which would go one to be advanced in numerous ways by other mages.  

Later Life

He returned to the academy from which he left in the form of a cat. He would prank and bully his former doubters; a favorite activity was hiding dead mice in hard to reach or notice places.   After yet another advancement, he returned to [the town that the uni is in] and essentially showed off.   However, he soon began to show (more) signs of madness   His experiments became more and more outlandish   He managed to terraform his entire island into crystal   Eventually, he claimed to have perfected a new spell. One that would make polymorph look like circus trick.   With a sizable audience, he cast this spell.   We are unsure of what was supposed to happen, as Soric's body seemed to wither at a rapid pace and then burst

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