Stîltîu Sea Geographic Location in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Stîltîu Sea

One of the two largest seas in the region, known by the Antaerans as Stîlt Dîu, or 'the south sea,' it stretches south of Ïural and is a bustling hub of maritime activity. Known by the rest of the world as the incorrect pronunciation: 'Stîltîu,' it is frequently traveled by soldiers, traders, and adventurers alike. The sea is known for its vibrant aquatic life and abundant fishing grounds, sustaining coastal communities and providing valuable resources.    However, the Stîltîu Sea is not without its dangers, with unpredictable storms that pose risks to even the most experienced sailor. To the east, past Tahira, spreads its sister sea, Alshela. Numerous islands and archipelagos dot the Stîltîu Sea, most notably the Blackstone Islands. The sea is navigable year-round, thanks to relatively consistent and mapped currents, making it a crucial lifeline for coastal settlements.


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