Why no gnomes? in T'bet Dal | World Anvil
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Why no gnomes?

Simply put, I don't like them.

But, I made the decision to omit gnomes from the playable races for a few specific worldbuilding reasons.   Firstly, I decided against including gnomes with a penchant for technological innovation because I wanted humans to be the driving force behind technological progress in T’bet Dal. By focusing on human ingenuity and creativity, it allows for a more significant exploration of human achievements and their impact on the world.   Similarly, I chose not to introduce gnomes renowned for their craftsmanship because dwarves already occupy that niche. Dwarves, with their rich tradition of craftsmanship and metallurgy, are central to the development of our world's weaponry, armor, and structures. Adding gnomes as master craftsmen could dilute the unique identity of dwarves and create redundancy in the narrative.   Lastly, that 'small person scrappiness' is already well-represented by goblins. They embody the concept of resourcefulness, adaptability, and tenacity, and I didn't want to blur the lines between different races by giving gnomes similar traits.


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