Khlia Character in T'sara | World Anvil


A daring mercenary, Khlia is trying to make a name for herself in the Pathfinder society. Without a reputation to her name yet, she's going to have work all the harder to prove she's worthy.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Khlia is well buit for an orc woman; tall and muscular, with her dark hair kept short. She's well aware that the feminine parts of her are large and enticing to others, and she has no problem showing off those pleasing aspects.

Apparel & Accessories

Khlia is prone to wear her smock and gear for blacksmithing all through the day, until her work is done. If asked, she will give the reasoning that she doesn't like changing clothing unless it's necessary, as it wastes time.

Specialized Equipment

Khlia has a custom made falchion of her own work that is her preferred weapon.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Khlia had been a promising apprentice blacksmith early in her adulthood. As much as she enjoyed the craft of armor and arms, the thrill of using them was far more enticing. Training with the weapons, she quickly showed she was as competent with them as the Forge. She's been a frequent visitor to The Pathfinder Society, desperate for a chance to prove herself and make a permanent career chamge.


Khlia is very confident in herself and her body, and has a large sexual appetite. Though she can be confined not to engage in sexual acts in public, she is not overly concerned with concepts like monogamy. The more it pushes the edge, the more excited Khlia becomes.


Before working as a smith, Khlia did domestic work for her family, including the making and selling of soap.

Failures & Embarrassments

The Pathfinder Society has yet to accept her, much her dismay. Khlia is competent: everyone can see that. The leader of the local guild is just more selective of its members, and Khlia has yet to be a given the chance to prove what she can do as a real adventurer. Stormfall has it's problems, but it's hard to say whether she'll be given the chance to fix them without breaking rules and taking the initiative herself.

Intellectual Characteristics

Khlia is a pragmatist at heart, with little apetite for academic work. She prefers to learn what is necessary for the task or challenges she can anticipate, and in the case of skills like her smithing or swordsmanship, immense amount of practice and repetition.

Personality Characteristics


Khlia wants to become a successful and famous adventurer. There's a gap in exactly what she wants to do if she ever were to become a Pathfinder or other adventuring guild, but the desire for fame and to help others are there in equal measure.


Contacts & Relations

Khlia knows the other two smiths in the town, and finds them to be challenging rivals. With each having their own apprentices, she has others to compare herself to and compete against for quality of work.

After spending so much time bothering the Pathfinder society for entry, she's gotten to know a few of it's current local members. They are friendly enough towards her, but keep things professional; they would not try to use their status as a means to get her in through the back door, and Khlia would never accept such nepotistic behavior.   She also knows a number of other locals who also seek to become Pathfinders. Most of them simply like the title or the supposed prestige but aren't putting any of the work in.

Wealth & Financial state

She has some gold saved away from her work at the forge; enough to outfit and provision herself to leave the city, at the very least.
Aligned Organization


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