The Pathfinder Society

A global guild of adventurers, explorers, and academics, the Pathfinder Society is one of the most respected organizations in the world, both for their reputation as problem solvers and work at uncovering the mysteries of the world.


The Pathfinder Society is broken up into individual Lodges, which function both as a dormitory for any resident or transitory guild members, as well as a training center and meeting hall. The Society is not the property of any nation, but lodges are often organized by the nation they reside in. Especially large nations like Linthalia or Intransica will often be broken into provinces. Typically, either the largest lodge, or the lodge in the largest city will serve as the regional headquarters. These lodges will than keep in routine communication with the global headquarters of Pathfinders, in Cygia

The central headquarters for The Pathfinders Society, sometimes known as the Pathfinder's Palace, is far more than just a lodge. The artifacts discovered, the books collected, every curiosity from the various lodges around the world funnel in this direction, though never make it that far.

Public Agenda

The Pathfinder Society has a series of goals, their work has made them irreplacable in most places in which they reside.   First, it is the official position of the Pathfinders that they have no political allegiances, and do not support any leader, any form of government, any policy or institution. Although some individual lodges have broken this rule in the past, the official position of the Pathfinders is that they will not take sides in any regional conflict or in any civil war. They are adventurers and explorers seeking to improve T'sara for its people, not a guild of mercenaries to fight for pay. Unfortunately, some adventurers are also mercenaries, and have betrayed their oaths; meaning it's still common for ambitious warlords or generals to turn to Pathfinders for their cause. A notable exception, in fact more of an obligation, is the aiding of civilians. In cases of invasion or disaster, Pathfinders are expected to provide what help they can to those fleeing or seeking refuge.   The second goal is to make as much of the world known as possible. Even in the Third Age, there are still great mysteries through T'sara. Cartographers have an understanding of the world on a continental level, but the local areas can often contain mysteries and uncertainties. The extent of damage and chaos caused by the Fey was never fully understood and documented, and there are countless secrets from the Lost Age and early First Age left to be uncovered.   The Third goal is to make the roads and cities of the T'sara safe for travel. This final tenant is usually interpreted far more broadly to keeping the areas safe from harm, traveling or not. This is why the Adventurers are hand-in-hand with the academics and scholars in the Society. Whether something as banal as an infestation of Dire Rats that can threaten disease and health of the town, to dealing with highwaymen and badits, to fighting dragons and the other supernatural perils of the world, Pathfinders are on the march.


Lodges are mostly independently funded and equipped, typically obtained through the pay given to the Society for the work it does. This means that areas with an impoverished economy, or with fewer concerns that need their attention, will vary greatly. Successful individuals and Lodges are encouraged to make donations to the larger structure of the organization, and to Lodges in other areas that are in need. Most Lodges own the real estate that they reside on, plus additional land for practice and training. A few of them will own a means to their income, like a brewery or inn to help subsidize the function of the society.   Other than the land and relics that local members may have acquired through their journeys, the Pathfinder Society owns very little. Those members are expected to equip and provide for themselves: given that the Society tends to accept only those who have proven themselves to be capable adventurers or scholars. With rare exception, the Society does not operate as a training academy.


The Society is the product of a god, Draenysis , the Goddess of the Halfings, Adventure, and Travel. The degree to which she invented the Pathfinders, or merely encouraged it, is a foggy area. Either way, the Goddess was especially fond of being amongst mortals of all sorts, and still is. As legend goes, she had traveled to Cygia, where some especially heroic adventurers were, to hear of the stories and exploits they had to share. When the Goddess made her divine presence known, they were all too willing, and had brought about a crowd in her wake. Lesser heroes had also come about to offer their stories to the Goddess as well, to which she had been especially hospitable and gracious towards. Finding the people of this small country much to her liking, she decided to stay for a time, encouraging even more mortals to come see a Goddess face to face. The tavern had become her home, and nearly a church in of itself, to the Halfing Goddess' reluctance. The concentration of adventurers and heroes had formed a nexus as well, providing a feeling of safety and welcome to the surrounding area. Dianarys bade people stay.
Adventuring Party
Notable Members


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