
A fort intended to be meant as a prison island for the Drow who surrendered in the Triumverate War, Shoemalasha has instead become a refuge for them against their own kin, as they have become increasingly heretical and treasonous to their original culture.

Purpose / Function

The Elves of Sylrandenolo and Thydanathe were magnanimous to the Drow, who themselves showed a rare act in surrendering in battle, rather than fighting to the death. Unwilling to release them back to the Underdark, and without a better place to house them, they were granted the uninhabited forrested island of Hylsa. The surrounding waters and patrols allow the whole island to operate as a prison of sorts, with the granted settlement of Sheomalasha operating as the principle port settlement and home for the bulk of the prisoners.


As the leader Khilghana became something of a fringe prophet, claiming to have spoken with Varissa herself, and the promise that they may be peacefully rejoined with their ancestral Elvish cousins. As such, new buildings have been constructed to permit worship of this new religious cult. Neither national leader assisting in the provisioning or administration of Hylsa necessarily believe the claims, but both believe that the worship is making the population more content.


Sheomalasha has a thick exterior wall , with high posts to serve as archer posts. While these were installed to help monitor the Drow prisoners and attack if necessary, the focus has been more focused on exterior threats. There has already been cases of attempted assassinations or other incursions. As a result, the focus has been more on watching the perimter and scouting the island's coastlines.   If there were to be a more conventional attack, the fort has a heavy dropwall that can be lowered and fortified. Foodstores and barracks for the guards would also provide additional protection for The Absolved refugees.
Parent Location
Owning Organization


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