The Immortal Guards

The official protectors of Intransica's Immortal Emperor, the Immortal Guards patrol and defend the Imperial Palace. There's an inherent contradiction that the man who became a God would need protectors, and the Capital City is one of the safest places in the safest nation in all of T'sara. As a result, the young men and women in the Immortal Guards are really responsible for both protecting and reporting on the politicians and bureacrats in the palace, and as such the Guards are primarily a political position.



The Immortal Guard contains about 500 members, both within the palace itself, as well as patroling the area outside to ensure that only those approved by the Emperor or his designees may enter the hallowed grounds. The Guard are usually new recruits, freshly having graduated training as Imperial Infantry or other Corps. They are still impressionable, and with little other training, are ideal to be placed in a mostly ceremonial tast force, leaving veteran soldiers to serve they're most needed.


Guardsmen are outfitted in heavy armor, kept to an immaculate shine, to both respect the Immortal Emperor they are sworn to protect, and to show the strength and prowess of the Empire itself. They are armed with a shield and either a halberd or, less commonly, a sword.

Curiously, the Guards are not outfitted with helms like most soldiers typically would. Some believe it is to show the confidence in the Emperor's Blessing, that such protection is unnecessary. The more jaded and common view is that it allows the passerby to personal identify the Guards, for better or for worse.


Specialized training is given Guardsmen in the proper care of their heavy armor, and how to perform complex drill demonstrations while wearing such bulky attire. Every step of every action is highly ritualized and choreographed, especially those that patrol the outer edge of the Palacial Gardens.
Overall training Level
Assumed Veterancy


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Aug 17, 2024 03:22 by Marjorie Ariel

I find it very interesting that this is a political position, rather than a martial one. This might explain the lack of helms, but I must admit, this sounds vaguely hostile... as if the position were one that was said to be an honor, but really the opposite.