The Stained Glass Building / Landmark in T'sara | World Anvil

The Stained Glass

the coyly named tavern The Stained Glass is a popular establishment in the center of Birhberra, where the humans call "Old Town". It has attracted the young adults of all sorts. Although this is welcome in a city experiencing increased racial animosity, some are concerned if there's something unsavory going on behind the scenes to explain this.

Purpose / Function

The oversized space of the tavern allows for more than the typical brewing and serving of aclohol and socializing as one would expect in a tavern or public house. A stage was constructed in the side, allowing for performances for the guests. While this is in of itself is not strange, the it permits a wider range than the typical lyre or flute playing of bards. Dramatic poets, comedic jesters, and even small scale have been presented here.

There appears to be something of a special club of it's regular patrons, where the establishment closes to all but those specifically invited to attend. These secretive events, where neither the owner nor the customers discuss what goes on, is the largest reason some of the elders and authority are growing suspicious.


The structure had been built large and open to accomodate any number of potential businesses; leaving the renter to furnish and alter the interior on their own.

In this case, the establishment was previously used by a glassmaker, hence the establishment's name. Some of the tools of the trade that were left behind were placed upon the walls as decoration. The second floor that was used as the prior owner's living arangements has beend cordoned off from the public. The basement was rearranged in order to hold casks and material for brewing.   The glassmaking equipment had been sold off to a former rival of the previous owner in order to make room for the tables, chairs, and counters that were installed.


The Stained Glass derives it's name largely from the previous owner. He had been a glassmaker; functional, but far from ornate. Certainly not the type to be making stained glass windows or the like that would be indicated by the namesake. He had fled from town mysteriously in the night, not a word said to anyone. Rumors started shifting about that he had been engaged in some corrupt or scandalous behavior, although nothing had ever been proven.

With the space now open, an enterprising young elf, Diric Laila, offered to take up the space to establish a new business. Using the controversy and rumor to her benefit, she opted to name the place The Stained Glass, referring to the stained reputation and honor of the prior owner.

Seeing another opportunity to own a property taken up by an elf, using her families inheritance to claim it, soured moods among humans and others, but Laila made the best of it. Speaking directly to those of her own generation, both among the elves and humans, she made her intentions clear, and invited them along. Whatever ploy she used had worked, and soon the establishment was one of the more popular drinking holes in the city.
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