Barg'rin's Bounty

By whom this legend is known?

Almost exclusively among the members of the Circle of Savagery, this myth is the cornerstone and justification of their existence and the legitimacy of the Butcher. Only a few people were aware of this myth outside the circle, although it started to spread slowly after the discovery of Muaclun.

The core tenets of the myth

There is a yearly ritual conducted by the circle in which, at the end, the sole survivor fights to the death with the Butcher of the circle. If the challenger wins, they become the new Butcher, and Barg'rin will take the previous one to become an officer within his army. The old Butcher's rank in the army depends on how many battles they won during the rituals. Based on the legend, Barg'rin can elevate a Butcher to his side and become a general in the army, but the circle's members have yet to witness this.

When was the legend born?

Nobody knows the origin of the legend. The circle is an ancient sect dedicated to Barg'rin and Drifa'ra, the Scalemother. They even existed prior to the Rending. Probably, the root of the myth dates back before the Rending. Maybe the whole legend was manufactured by Barg'rin himself. He is a demon, and it is not far off from demons to lie to even their followers.

How does the myth spread?

The circle members tell it to people they think will be susceptible to the idea of participating in the yearly ritual and, as the Butcher, becoming a great warrior and, later, an officer in an army. There isn't any written form of the myth, but the tattoos on the Butcher's body are some kind of art if you can accept immortalizing the killing of other beings.

What is the truth of the legend?

Very little. Yes, if a Butcher dies, Barg'rin will come for them and take them with him, but Barg'rin only needs good soldiers in his army, and none of the Butchers will become officers.
I can't wrap my head around this legend. It just sounds fake to me. Mortal officers in a demon army?
— Grorbaden, hobgoblin philosopher


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