The Tri-Nation Ceasefire Charter

Document content

It is the first try beyond memory that someone wants peace among the warring nations of Muaclun. Everyone knows it will be a long process if it is possible at all. That's why when the Dominion of the Hobgoblin forced its will upon the nation, it only pressured them to sign a ceasefire and not a full peace treaty. The charter set the borders between the nations. These borders are mostly demilitarized zones because everyone saw it would be impossible to draw up actual borders. The Dominion recognized all four nations as equals. The Dominion also took responsibility for breaking up any future wars between the nations. Interestingly, this part of the ceasefire had an amendment describing the size and number of battles that the Dominion considered war. The numbers are very permissive. Anything less is just skirmishes.

Document signatories

Queen Rusk of the lizardfolk, High Chief Regath of the bugbear, King Grarakor of the ogres, and Chieftans Hotclaw of the Heatwave and Coldstorm of the Frostbite lupian clans from the Muaclun nations. Of the Dominion of the Hobgoblin, it was signed by King Gluvlarg the Shield, although he wasn't present at the signing. He pre-signed the document as if he was confident that the other parties would sign it, too.


The ceasefire document also included a section in which the tri-nations agreed to join the Dominion. This was added, more or less, as a little boon to those who signed the document to convince them further to cease the hostilities.


Although the lupians signed the ceasefire, they rejected joining the Dominion. They had their place now and were happy with their current situation. The bugbears didn't really care whether they were part of something or not until they were left alone in their forests. The ogres endorsed the Dominion membership wholeheartedly. They suffered the most during the wars, giving them a chance to raise their young in peace. The lizardfolk saw the most opportunity to be part of the Dominion. They probably just wanted to attain more power to finish their enemies finally, but it would be a long road to reach that goal.
This document, with all its flaws, is second only in importance to the treaty that ended the Separation War
— Brec Raincrest, kobold historian


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